Saya menerima e-mail berantai yang isinya membuat saya merasa sangat "diberkati". Mengapa saya merasa sangat diberkati? Karena saya akan menerima uang segera setelah saya mengirimkan "malaikat" yang ada dalam e-mail tersebut setidaknya ke tiga orang. Dan saya harus langsung meneruskan malaikat tersebut segera setelah saya membaca e-mail itu karena jika tidak, malaikat itu keburu kabur akibat kelambatan saya. Ooohh...malaikat pembawa keberuntunganku...!!!
Berikut adalah e-mail yang maksud dan semoga yang membacanya bisa memperoleh uang secepatnya sehingga segera kaya!)
If I could sit on the porch with God, the first thing I would do is thank him for you......
This is the sacred angel.

You MUST pass this angel on to at least 3 people within the hour of opening this email.
After you do, make a wish.
If you have passed it on, your wish will come
True and money will come your way shortly.
My friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad,
My friend,
My buddy,
Through happy and sad,
Beside me you stand,
Beside me you walk,
You're there to listen,
You're there to talk,
With happiness,
With smiles,
With pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!
You are all good friends to me and I am grateful to you.
Send this to all your good friends online to show them
You are friends.
If you get this back from:
1 person - you are lonely
2 people - you have a couple friends, but not many
3 people - you have a few friends....
4 people - you have some friends...
5 people - you have several friends!!
6 people - you have many friends! !!
7 people - you are SOOOO loved!!!
This is the sacred angel.
You MUST pass this angel on to at least 3 people within the hour of opening this email.
After you do, make a wish.
If you have passed it on, your wish will come
True and money will come your way shortly.
My friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad,
My friend,
My buddy,
Through happy and sad,
Beside me you stand,
Beside me you walk,
You're there to listen,
You're there to talk,
With happiness,
With smiles,
With pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!
You are all good friends to me and I am grateful to you.
Send this to all your good friends online to show them
You are friends.
If you get this back from:
1 person - you are lonely
2 people - you have a couple friends, but not many
3 people - you have a few friends....
4 people - you have some friends...
5 people - you have several friends!!
6 people - you have many friends! !!
7 people - you are SOOOO loved!!!
Remember, no man or woman is a failure who has a friend!
Ha ha ha ha pengen hantem yang bikin email kaya begini..jadi kalo gw ga kirim berarti gw ga ada teman, ga punya uang dll ? ya udah gpp deh..untung banget ya ndi elu udah forward ini sampai masuk ke Blog elu, kayanya elu sengaja nih supaya bisa dapat rejeki nomplok dari malaikat, tapi tanya dulu sama malaikatnya ndi, janji dia masih berlaku gak kalo emailnya elu masukin ke blog, biasanya kan cuma lewat email aja...
Hahahahahahahaaa....iya ya Roy...kudunya gua tanya sama malaikatnya, berlaku ga yah...kalo gua kirim e-mail itu lewat blog. Aaaarrrgggh...!!!!sayang banget gua sempat tanya ke doi!!! jadi kaya deh gua.... Akh! Nasib...nasib...